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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Quick Update - Finally Approved!

Hello lovelies!

I'm just really eager to say that my visa is finally approved!!!

I know I have so much to update and I will in the next few weeks. Since I was working on my documents, scrapbook and the interview itself, I have so much work to be done. I also have to meet many friends in the following weeks so this will be really time consuming.

I will post everything accordingly so you can check on Visa Updates!

Ah the feeling is quite bittersweet but I'm really happy. Upon checking with 2GO, my passport is already in transit.

This chapter is almost ending but then, of course, a new one is about to begin!

~ Honey Bear ~
Contact : | Travel Blog : Kimi Goes Places | Official : KimiStarr.Net | Starr&Sparkle Shoppe

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